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What types of trademarks are more likely to be approved for registration in Korea?

FAQ about Korean Patent

FAQ about Korean Trademark

When seeking trademark registration in Korea, it is important to consider certain factors that can increase the likelihood of approval.

Developing or discovering a trademark (service mark) with a high probability of registration while also being a strong brand can be a challenging journey.

Firstly, one must avoid the reasons for rejection of trademark registration as explained above.

In developing a good (or preferred) brand associated with a product or service, one may be tempted to use words that represent the product itself, the materials used, the performance or efficacy, or other such descriptions. However, it is important to understand that such trademark applications in Korea may be subject to rejection.

Therefore, it is important to keep in mind the potential reasons for rejection when filing a trademark application in Korea.

Here are some points to understand in more detail:

Avoiding Rejection Reasons: 

As mentioned earlier, it is crucial to avoid the reasons for rejection when filing a trademark application in Korea. This includes ensuring that the trademark is not identical or similar to existing registered trademarks or pre-registered trademarks. It is also important to provide a clear and accurate description of the designated goods or services and ensure that the classification of goods is appropriate.

Distinctiveness and Creativity: 

Trademarks that are distinctive and creative have a higher chance of approval. Unique and imaginative trademarks that are not commonly used or descriptive of the products or services they represent are more likely to be considered distinctive and eligible for registration.

Arbitrary or Fanciful Marks: 

Arbitrary or fanciful marks are inherently distinctive and have a stronger chance of being approved. These marks consist of words or symbols that have no direct connection to the products or services they represent. For example, "Apple" for computers or "Nike" for sportswear are arbitrary marks that have gained strong recognition.

Coined or Suggestive Marks: 

Coined or suggestive marks are also considered distinctive and have a reasonable chance of registration. Coined marks are created by combining unrelated words or parts of words to form a new term (e.g., "Xerox" for copying machines). Suggestive marks, on the other hand, hint at the nature or qualities of the products or services without directly describing them (e.g., "Greyhound" for bus transportation).

Strong and Unique Designs: 

In addition to word marks, design marks or logos can also be registered as trademarks in Korea. When creating a design mark, it is important to ensure that it is original, visually distinctive, and not similar to existing trademarks. Strong and unique design elements can enhance the chances of successful registration.

Conducting a Trademark Search: 

Before filing a trademark application, conducting a comprehensive trademark search is advisable. This helps identify any existing trademarks that may pose obstacles to registration. By conducting a search, applicants can assess the availability and registrability of their proposed trademark, reducing the risk of rejection.

It is essential to consult with a trademark attorney or professional in Korea who has expertise in trademark law and the registration process. They can provide guidance on the registrability of a trademark and help develop a strong and distinctive brand that increases the chances of successful trademark registration in Korea.

Frequently Asked Questions about Korean Trademarks

Frequently Asked Questions about Trademark Application in Korea

Frequently Asked Questions during the Korean Trademark Registration Examination Stage

Frequently Asked Questions about Trademark Registration in Korea



Many foreign companies entering the Korean market often overlook the importance of registering their brand or logo as a trademark. This oversight can lead to potential legal issues such as piracy or infringement, which could have been easily prevented by seeking expert advice and registering their trademark. Conversely, numerous industry leaders understand the significance of securing full protection for their brand and products or services through successful trademark registration, contributing to their overall success.

To enhance brand value and streamline the process, foreign clients ranging from individuals to well-established market leaders are seeking guidance from DAEILPAT's Trademark attorney. What sets our service apart is our strategic counseling and proactive approach at every step, ensuring a comprehensive trademark registration. This enables our clients to benefit from a cost-effective and tailored service that significantly reduces the lengthy and expensive registration process, without unnecessary delays or additional expenses.

Learn more about Trademarks Registration and Protection in Korea

Our Expertise

DAEILPAT’s great strength in Trademark is brought by the experts with unrivalled professionalism in our team. Our trademark attorney consists of excellent talents who are a pioneer in developing unprecedented trademark ideas, a true veteran with extensive knowledge and experience as a examiner at KIPO and IP specialists with more than 10 years of experience. We are fully competent in handling any cases in both Korean and English, and our network of foreign agents allows us to offer a fuller service for both domestic and international clients.

We offer a full suite of Trademark services including strategic counseling, analysis of trademark trends, prosecution, handling of oppositions and cancellation actions, domestic and international disputes, negotiations and coexistence agreements and many more. Our thorough and in-depth analysis and reports guide our clients to effectively select and leave out specific elements of their mark to increase the chance of registration. Moreover, we showcase total transparency by offering timely updates through a transparent reporting process and keep our clients up-to-date with deadlines and proceedings without any error and omission.


